religious symbols


The Quran in English and Arabic

About Allah

A meditation on Allah

The most important question

Jesus in the Quran

Prayers To Allah

The Lord's Prayer


Moses in the Quran

Jesus Commands

Thoughts on reverence

The Holy Bible (NIV version)

The Torah

Deal in a Nutshell Blog

What I believe in general

My views on God

A comparison between the Course in Miracles and the Holy Quran

The Cause of Psychological Suffering

Why God allows Suffering

Quantum Mechanics Talk

Artificial Intelligence Talk

Five Hints


Verses on the faith mind

The do nothing card

The most important question

True Seeing

A tale of redemption

Basic Meditation Instruction

A meditation on turning toward God

Meditation and the 12 step programs

A meditation on ownership

A gratitude meditation

Pause when agitated

Meditation on expectations

Basic surrender meditation

Not About You

Already Free

A Prayer based meditation

A meditation to rest in peace

A Christian meditation technique

A Third Step Meditation

An Eleventh Step Meditation

A Trust Meditation

Align with Truth meditation

Not True Meditation

Do Nothing Meditation

Reduce stress meditation

Lectio Divina on God's nearness

Who am I meditation

Not me meditation

God's favors meditation

Some Dot Art

some musings (mostly coronavirus)

A note on blame

Physics - on balance