Listen; this world is the lunatic’s sphere,
don’t always agree it’s real,
even with my feet upon it and the postman knowing my door,
my address is somewhere else.
– Hafez


To release anxiety and come to rest in Peace.


Notice untruths ... release untruths ... then abide in Peace.

Believing in ideas that are not true causes anxiety and by letting go of them we come to rest in peace. In other words, to see God's creation just as He deemed it to be, not as we think it ought to be causes unnecessary anxiety.

Anxiety is a learning disorder which can be unlearned. The first step in learning something new is to let go of beliefs that are no longer true. The second step is to rid ourselves those beliefs.

As an example of something that is not true consider:
We might say "my shoe" but the person that made it called it 'his' shoe and the person that buys the shoe from Goodwill will call it 'his' shoe. Obviously the thought 'mine' is not true ... it is and always has been God's shoe. Start each meditation session by reminding ourselves of our intention: coming to Peace by LETTING GO OF thoughts that not true and then resting in the resulting Peace.


Begin by taking a couple of deep breaths and then just relax into stillness.
As thoughts arise just notice them. Don't push anything away or cling to any thought whether it be pleasant or unpleasant.

After noticing each thought, we mentally repeat the mantra " not true" Apply this technique to every thought.

Repeat this process: notice a thought - say mentally "not true" then focus on the sense of Peace that comes by letting it go.
Do this exercise for twenty minutes. Twenty minutes is the time at which time
the brain begins to change neurologically. Always take what you get from each session remembering that God is leading.

Meditation is just barrier removal - removing how we think it ought to be and coming to see how it is as God created it.

You will come to see that you need do nothing to get out of a problem you don’t have.